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Home Sport NewsBasketball Evan Turner on delivering Jae’s winner: ‘I thought about MJ passing to Steve Kerr’

Evan Turner on delivering Jae’s winner: ‘I thought about MJ passing to Steve Kerr’

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Evan Turner on delivering Jae’s winner: ‘I thought about MJ passing to Steve Kerr’

Image Source: Pexels‍

In a recent interview, Evan Turner revealed the inspiration behind his game-winning assist to Jae Crowder, comparing it to one of the most iconic moments in basketball history. Reflecting on the play, Turner stated, “I thought about MJ passing to Steve Kerr.” The comparison to Michael Jordan’s legendary pass during the 1997 NBA Finals instantly captures the attention of basketball enthusiasts and fuels anticipation for Turner’s story.

Turner’s reference to Jordan’s decision to pass to Kerr, who subsequently sank the game-winning shot, highlights the significance of team dynamics and selfless play. This anecdote not only sheds light on Turner’s thought process in the crucial moments of the game but also emphasizes the importance of trust and making the right play for the benefit of the team.

As fans and basketball enthusiasts, we are always captivated by stories and references that connect today’s players to the legends of the past. Turner’s remark provides a glimpse into the mindset of players and highlights the camaraderie and strategic thinking that occurs on the court. Stay tuned for the full interview, where Turner shares more insights on teamwork, sacrifice, and the importance of making the right play.

Evan Turner’s role in the play

Evan Turner, known for his versatility and basketball IQ, played a crucial role in the game-winning play. As the clock ticked down and the pressure mounted, Turner found himself in a position to make a game-changing decision. With the defense collapsing on him, he made a split-second choice that would seal the victory for his team. Turner’s ability to read the defense, anticipate his teammate’s movements, and deliver a pinpoint pass to Jae Crowder showcases his skill as a playmaker.

Evan Turner’s thoughts on the play

When asked about the game-winning assist, Turner’s response provided a fascinating insight into his mindset during that pivotal moment. He revealed that he drew inspiration from Michael Jordan’s iconic pass to Steve Kerr in the 1997 NBA Finals. Turner recognized the parallels between his situation and Jordan’s, where making the right play for the benefit of the team took precedence over personal glory. This display of selflessness and strategic thinking is a testament to Turner’s basketball IQ and his understanding of the game’s nuances.

Comparison to Michael Jordan’s famous pass to Steve Kerr

Michael Jordan’s decision to pass to Steve Kerr in the closing moments of the 1997 NBA Finals is etched in basketball history. Facing a double team, Jordan trusted Kerr to make the clutch shot, and the rest is history. Turner’s reference to this iconic play draws a parallel between the two situations, emphasizing the importance of trust, teamwork, and the ability to make the right play under pressure. It highlights the impact that one decision can have on a game and the lasting legacy it can create.

The significance of the play in the game and the season

The game-winning assist by Evan Turner not only secured a victory for his team but also had broader implications for the season. The win propelled the team’s momentum, instilling confidence and belief in their ability to overcome adversity. It served as a turning point, proving that they were capable of executing under pressure and could rely on each other to make the necessary plays. The significance of this play extended beyond the game itself, resonating with fans, players, and coaches alike.

Reactions from fans, players, and coaches

Following the game, fans, players, and coaches were quick to express their admiration for Evan Turner’s game-winning assist. Social media platforms were flooded with praise for his basketball IQ, selflessness, and ability to make the right play when it mattered most. Fellow players and coaches acknowledged the significance of the moment, recognizing the impact it had on the game and the season. The play served as a reminder of the importance of trust, teamwork, and making the right decisions under pressure.

The impact of the play on Evan Turner’s career

The game-winning assist by Evan Turner not only solidified his reputation as a playmaker but also had a significant impact on his career trajectory. The ability to deliver in clutch moments and make the right play showcased his value as a teammate and his understanding of the game. This play became a defining moment in Turner’s career, earning him recognition and respect from fans, players, and coaches alike. It served as a testament to his basketball IQ, skill set, and ability to perform under pressure.

Lessons learned from the play

The game-winning assist by Evan Turner offers valuable lessons for players at all levels of basketball. It highlights the importance of trust, teamwork, and selflessness in achieving success. Turner’s decision to make the right play, even if it meant not taking the shot himself, demonstrates the significance of prioritizing the team’s goals over personal glory. This play serves as a reminder that basketball is a team sport, and success often depends on the collective effort and the ability to make the right decisions for the benefit of the team.

The legacy of the play in NBA history

Just like Michael Jordan’s pass to Steve Kerr, Evan Turner’s game-winning assist will be remembered as a significant moment in NBA history. It will be etched in the memories of fans, players, and coaches as a testament to the importance of trust, teamwork, and making the right play under pressure. The play serves as a reminder of the greatness that can be achieved when individual players put the team’s needs above their own. It will continue to inspire future generations of basketball players to prioritize selflessness and strategic thinking in crucial moments.


Evan Turner’s game-winning assist to Jae Crowder, inspired by Michael Jordan’s famous pass to Steve Kerr, showcases the significance of trust, teamwork, and making the right play under pressure. This play serves as a reminder of the importance of selflessness and strategic thinking in achieving success, both on and off the basketball court. Turner’s decision to prioritize the team’s goals over personal glory highlights the essence of basketball as a team sport. As fans and enthusiasts, we are captivated by stories that connect today’s players to the legends of the past, and this play will undoubtedly be remembered as a significant moment in NBA history.

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