Technology The Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology VastRoarDecember 25, 20220285 views The Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Table of Contents How can technology help in improving and destroying?Technology’s Daily Life Advantages and NegativesTechnology’s Advantages Essay1. Communication2. Technology makes your job simpler3. Productive4. You have access to lots of information5. Online Education6. Digital Currency7. Self-driving carsDisadvantages of Technology in Daily LivingThe Technology’s Disadvantages1. Persistent loss of control2. Exposition to malicious attacks3. Violations to privacy and ethical standards4. Automation that causes job loss5. Loss of personal contact with loved ones and relationships6. Technology dependence7. Management of electronic waste and ewasteConclusion: The Advantages and the Disadvantages Of Technology 5/5 - (4 votes)